This is my website. Where I

Hi, I’m Ali, a high schooler with a passion in Physics, Computer science, and Math. I’m a strong advocate for accessible high quality of education for all, climate efforts, and overall support civic duty. Ultimately I aim for a career as a theoretical physicist in the future and solve some mysteries of this strange world we live in. I want to use this blog to discuss things I care about and show projects I’m working on. Currently this site is still in its’ early stages but I still hope you enjoy :)

I’ll try to write a blogpost at least every week about interesting news, topics, and include some further reading links. It covers both sides of each argument taken in the BIG picture. Each post make you think a little differently and see the world from a different perspective.

A Book of the Month (BotM) may come once a month, detailing and summarizing the book I’ve read that month, if you’re too lazy to go to CliffNotes.

The Projects tab is a showcase of other projects I’m working on/created, like code, essays, etc. Make sure to check them out!